- Pack: Started with a small number of items that are not needed in our home at this time
- Get rid of stuff not needed: Started, as I pack
- Store any stuff to be kept for some later date: Started, as I get things packed
- Do necessary repairs or updates on the house
- Paint areas of the house needing new paint
- Clean the house from top to bottom
- Stage the house to get rid of it
- Get out of the house to make it easier to get rid of
- Get rid of the house (Rent it out? Sell it?): Have hung up a "for rent" sign and posted a listing on Craigslist, even though it is early
To-Do For the New Apartment
- Decide on an apartment: Have generally narrowed down our options to on-campus housing
- Rent the apartment
- Set up utilities (including finally getting cell phones)
- Design the apartment: Have been researching design for small apartments
- Unpack
- Buy any necessary items
- Try to achieve the design (this will be divided into more bullets once it is clear what the design entails)
To-Do For the Move in General
- Get jobs: Have sent out 10+ resumes for Masasa and 1 or 2 for Manina
- Figure out a good schooling situation for the kids: Have visited the majority of magnet schools
- Enroll the kids in school, if applicable
- Get bikes and a laptop
- Teach the kids to ride bikes
- Get in shape so downsizing to one-car isn't too traumatic: Manina has started working out daily
- Find new doctors, therapists, and all that stuff
- Do all the change-of-address stuff